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Varicocele Treatment WithOut Surgery

Varicocele embolization is a special, easier way to fix varicoceles without doing a big surgery. In this treatment, doctors use tiny coils or a special liquid to change the way blood flows in a blood vessel. This helps fix the varicocele. An interventional radiologist (IR), a doctor who's really good at these kinds of treatments, does this using a tiny tube called a catheter and special imaging tools. It's done in a clinic, and you can go home the same day!

What's a varicocele?

A varicocele is when veins in a guy's scrotum get big and swollen, kind of like varicose veins in the legs. The scrotum is a bag that holds a guy's testicles, blood vessels, and part of the cord that carries sperm. Usually, this doesn't hurt or cause problems, but sometimes it can make the testicles smaller, change sperm production, and even cause infertility.

Who's an interventional radiologist (IR)?

An IR is a doctor who's really good at doing treatments inside the body without needing big surgeries. They use special machines like X-rays and MRI to see inside your body and do the treatment.

When do you need varicocele embolization?

Not all varicoceles need treatment. But if it's causing pain, making the testicles smaller, affecting having a baby, or if you're going for assisted reproductive stuff, then it's time to think about fixing it. You can choose between surgery and varicocele embolization. Embolization is often chosen if the varicocele is just on one side. If it's on both sides, surgery might be better.

What happens before varicocele embolization?

Doctors will check you out first. They'll look at your medical history and might do an ultrasound of your scrotum. If they think this treatment is right for you, they'll tell you what to do before the procedure. This might include:

  • Telling the doctor about any allergies or problems with certain medicines.
  • Getting checked to see if you're okay for the anesthesia.
  • Not eating or drinking for a few hours before the treatment.
  • Following doctor's advice on your regular medicines, especially if you take stuff for blood thinning or diabetes.
  • Maybe taking antibiotics before the treatment.
  • If you smoke, it's a good idea to stop before the treatment.

How is varicocele embolization done?

It's done in a clinic, and you don't have to stay overnight. Here's what happens:

  • You'll sign a form saying it's okay to do the procedure.
  • You'll lie on a special table, and the area near your thigh will be cleaned and numbed.
  • The IR will use a catheter and X-ray to put tiny coils or a special liquid in the vein. This changes the blood flow and fixes the varicocele.

What's recovery like after varicocele embolization?

You'll hang out in the clinic for a bit after, then you can go home. Take it easy for the day. You can usually do normal stuff the next day but wait a bit for heavy activities and driving. If there's any redness or pain where the catheter was, tell the doctor. If you had problems with making babies before, they'll check your sperm after a few days.

Why is varicocele embolization cool?

It's a simpler way to fix varicoceles. It's not as painful as surgery, you don't need big cuts, and you can get back to normal life faster. Plus, it's safe and you can do it in a clinic.

What are the risks?

It's usually safe, but there can be some risks like:

  • Damage to nearby areas.
  • Side effects from the anesthesia.
  • Infection or bleeding where the catheter went in.
  • The coil moving to the wrong place.
  • Pain in the groin or back for a few days.

Why choose Citi Vascular Centre for this?

Citi Vascular Centre is great for this treatment. They have the right equipment and skilled doctors like Dr. Shailesh Kumar Garge, who's really good at this. They're good at treating tricky cases that other places might not do.

In conclusion, fixing varicoceles with embolization is a good choice for many guys. It can help with pain and other problems, and it's a good option if you're nervous about surgery. If you're thinking about it, you can always talk to Dr. Garge at Citi Vascular Centre for more advice.